The GEF Small Grants Programme (SGP) is a corporate program of the Global Environment Facility that provides financial and technical support to local civil society and community-based organizations to develop and implement innovative local actions that address global environmental issues, while also improving livelihoods and reducing poverty.
Mihikatha Environmental Organization (MEO), with funding and expertise from UNDP, successfully executed large-scale reforestation projects in Mahawewa Kudawewa and neighboring villages. Through collaborative efforts, MEO revitalized green spaces, promoting biodiversity and mitigating climate change effects. Additionally, MEO initiated dialogues among schoolchildren, raising awareness about the significance of the green canopy enveloping their communities. By engaging youth in discussions and educational activities, MEO instilled a sense of environmental stewardship, inspiring the next generation to cherish and protect their natural surroundings. Through these combined efforts, MEO and its partners fostered a culture of conservation, ensuring a sustainable future for local ecosystems and communities.